Legion of Honor recipients: portraits

Legion of Honor recipients represent a community of men and women, a reflection of French society and a model for future generations.

Since the inception of the order, nearly one million citizens have received the Legion of Honor. There are now around 79,000 members.

Legion of Honor recipients in numbers

  • The order has three ranks —Knight, Officer and Commander— and two titles —Grand Officer and Grand Cross
  • Around 2 000 individuals are awarded the insignia every year
  • There are four cohorts every year : two civilian and two military
  • The average age at induction is 58 for a civilian
  • Two-thirds of members receive the award in a civilian capacity, one third in a military capacity
  • 50% are women (in civilian capacities)
  • 82% are Knights of the Order

Each new cohort tells the richness and diversity of meritorious life paths and depicts the multifaceted contours of French society.


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